Stories templates (5)


You may have seen a little change on the front page. I added stories with the goal to post one video a day. I started by publishing shorts on YouTube and people don’t watch them, so rather than having the ugly short videos with the YouTube branding, I switched to Google Stories because Google brings me readers, what ever my activity. I had an old blog with AdSense classified. I did not update my blog since 2017 and I just discovered lately that it had generated bucks. Not much, but enough for a Starbuck without doing anything and “not much” is better than nothing. YouTube gives me nothing. I can leave my Facebook page without posting, my community will still grow. With YouTube, it is always nothing and I had enough of the branding or YouTube choosing for me the thumbnails of my shorts.

Google stories are fantastic but there are still bugs. I ask you to be patient. I reported those bugs and they will be fixed. That’s how we make progress. Those stories will soon become fantastic. I will add AdSense, because a website is not free. I pay for the server, the plugins, my time for development, subscriptions, AI credits. It goes up very fast and any little bucks in the jar helps, so AdSense it is. I will remove AdSense when I have enough sponsors. I will replace AdSense ads with sponsors ads and articles.

The few first stories will evolve. Just now, it is a video with donation links. I will redevelop them as small easy to access folders as I develop more artwork, more posts and more art prints. Those little archives will become helpful over time. I would like them to become a reference for my students when I start teaching art. It is starting to look great and it will look even better. It just need some time for bugs to be fixes and content to be written. We are getting there. I hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to subscribe.

If you like the content of this website, please consider to make a donation. I have setup a Gofundme page, a Givebutter page, an individual Stripe page, a business Stripe page (for donations from businesses with tax information), a Paypal page, a donation by SMS system (text 3WORDSADAY to 53-555). I am not begging, I am explaining how it is important to continue manipulating images with AI for a good cause. This involves hours and hours of hard work, a good state of mind and a purpose. Art and documentaries are my purpose.

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Stroke, maze and pen pressure Vectors, tones and vanishing Hatch, shell and indigo Cubism, hatch sanguine and primitivism
Cubism, hatch sanguine and primitivism Hatch, shell and indigo Vectors, tones and vanishing Stroke, maze and pen pressure