Hagia Irene explained

On December 15, 2018, I wrote a post titled “What Really Drives me Inside“ and I want to tell a little bit more about Hagia Irene in order to explain why I believe that this architecture has a universal value. I suggest to show you the architectural features at first, then to transpose life into […]

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Je n’avais jamais écrit sur la religion jusqu’en 2015 et mon arrivée aux USA a declanché une nouvelle quête pour comprendre l’histoire des religions. J’ai réunis mes écrits dans plusieurs blogs que je rassemble aujourd’hui sur mon site, en vue peut-être d’en faire un jour la synthèse. Depuis le 11 juillet 1995, ma vie a […]

Who is Eima BLANK

I moved to the United-States in February 2015 and while waiting for my immigration papers, I started to blog to transition from France to the US. Since my very first day in the US, people have been asking why I am not married and of course they came with suggestions that I shall marry. I […]

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Stroke, maze and pen pressure Vectors, tones and vanishing Hatch, shell and indigo Cubism, hatch sanguine and primitivism