Avant propos

Entre 1993 et 1995, j’étudiais l’Histoire de la Méditerranée Orientale à l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales. Dans le cadre d’un travail de lecture, j’écrivais aux Pr Denys Lombard mes observations sur l’ouvrage de Klaas Ruitenbeek, “Carpentry and Building in Late Imperial China : A Study of the Fifteenth-Century Carpenter’s Manual Lu Ban jing“. […]

Who is Eima BLANK

I moved to the United-States in February 2015 and while waiting for my immigration papers, I started to blog to transition from France to the US. Since my very first day in the US, people have been asking why I am not married and of course they came with suggestions that I shall marry. I […]

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Stroke, maze and pen pressure Vectors, tones and vanishing Hatch, shell and indigo Cubism, hatch sanguine and primitivism